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Dissertation / Thesis

Egon von Vietinghoff, Self-portrait with white collar The Egon von Vietinghoff Foundation encourages students of art history to write scientific papers on the artist.

There is extensive material available, and the access to originals is possible. The entire work is quite well documented. Supportive collaboration may be counted on.

A student might conceivably write a treatise on the artist and single aspects of his oeuvre or specifically on special subjects in comparison with others.

For instance:

Black and white grapes with leaves * Representationalism after the revolution of the Dadaism

* The different reactions to the painting crisis around 1900

* The use of the oil-resin multilayer technique over the centuries

* Still lifes in the 20th century

* Motives from the ancient world in newer European painting

* Naturalism and resemblance to nature

* The continuity of the European painting tradition in the 20th and 21st century

detail * Multilayer oil-resin painting – a European cultural heritage

* Abstract elements in representational painting

* The translucency of color and its use

* Mainstream and contrary painters in visual art

* The the independent painter's problems and opportunities in European art

* Meditative painting in times of technical progress

* Painting, philosophy and mystics

* The "Transcendental Painting" and the "School of Pure Vision" a conception of meditating creation.

Profile There is a large amount of different kinds of material available first hand.

Access to the original paintings is possible.

Relatives and disciples of the artist are able to provide further information.

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